Autumn Equinox
Autumn Equinox In the Northern Hemisphere, we are celebrating Autumn Equinox today. This is a time when balance is once again present, as the lengths of day and night are equal. 12 hours each, and as we focus on gratitude…
Autumn Equinox In the Northern Hemisphere, we are celebrating Autumn Equinox today. This is a time when balance is once again present, as the lengths of day and night are equal. 12 hours each, and as we focus on gratitude…
This full moon in Pisces is an invitation to open fully to your intuitive gifts and abilities. You may have been experiencing a gradual opening of your psychic vision and now, your awareness is heightened. Sensitivities are enhanced today, and…
Greetings from Summer in Shasta The ice has finally melted on the lower lakes and people are enjoying the pristine water. The Sun is in Leo (thank goodness) and tomorrow evening at 6:37 PM Pacific time, the moon is full…