February is often thought of as a month of love. There is a commercial twist in the western world … something that I often think of as just another “Hallmark” moment.
And as we move quickly toward February 14th it becomes obvious that Valentine’s Day is a great source of revenue in this country.
Even preschool children are expected to purchase and distribute valentines to their classmates! Young men in high school search for the perfect gift for that special sweetheart, and the rush for the candy and flowers and jewelry and stuffed bears with great red hearts begins again.
So what is this day really about? Is it about love or about merchandise?
This month of February often ignites thoughts about love and relationship … somewhat contrived by retailers across the world. We can feel pressured by the commercial hype, or we can take this opportunity to explore love and relationship in its most sacred form.
Valentine’s Day might make some feel left out if they are not exploring a romantic partnership at the time …
Well, perhaps its time for all of us to realize that everyone is in a relationship right now!
The relationship between you and YOU … your human experience and your Source Consciousness or Inner Being. Every person on this planet is in that intimate relationship every moment of every day.
And like all relationships … the more attention you pay to it, the more it can develop and expand.
How much of your focus is on the most important relationship in your life?
Have you ever wondered why there is a primal sort of longing to come first in someone else’s life? Even as we begin to understand our multi-dimensionality and the way that we can be love … and in that way, we can love many people … there is still that longing to come first above all others …
Do you realize that the longing is about your promise to yourself as you come into this Earth experience … to remember and revere that first relationship? The impulse to be seen as primary … as essential to another’s happiness is not about others … its about our own intentions coming into our lives … its about putting that connection to our Inner Being first above all others … because when we do, we are in alignment with our big Self … and we are blessed with the perspective of our Inner Being.
When we remain aware of this first and most important love relationship, we will always have access to 5th dimensional perspective … we will always feel safe and loved.
Give that relationship your full attention this year during the Valentine’s Day hoopla
Be in love again … with who you really are … Be Love
[pro-player width=’530′ height=’253′ type=’video’]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbL8H5tantE&feature=related[/pro-player]