Bending in the Wind
Learn from the Trees, the art of bending with the wind
When we allow other energies to move through us
we can benefit from the strength we create
as we merge with the energy of the wind
Even as we bend
our flexibility becomes our secret strength
(Ancient Juniper along the trail to South Gate Meadow)
Love What You Don’t Understand
This is a Universe of Inclusion
Everything here is part of Creation
When you feel yourself going into resistance
toward something you don’t understand,
practice inviting the heart of your Being
to experience the heart of the other
Then, let the wisdom of the Heart Mind guide you
toward a better feeling
(Driftwood at Medicine Lake)
How does the bee know to pollinate?
How does the bird know where to drop the seed?
They trust their instincts …
never questioning the wisdom of the intention
Learn from Nature’s children … watch them and notice
They are unconcerned with the dramas of Man
(Honey Bee enjoying a Sunflower; Peach’s Garden in Mount Shasta City)
The Path is the Journey
There is no goal … no final ending point
The quality of your experience
in each step that you take, is the point
Pause wherever you are right now;
take a deep breath
and find appreciation for what is in this moment
As you begin to move again
notice everything
Look around you;
what you seek is with you now
(Boardwalk in Sisson Meadow)
Being with your own essence is never lonely
Aloneness allows you to drink in the uniqueness
of your individual expression of God
You are complete
Have a party and invite yourself
(Kuan Yin Meditation Circle; Mount Shasta Peace Garden)
You Are Blessed
When you spend time with the flowers, the trees and the wild water
it is like an anointment, a visceral blessing
that affirms your place in this wonderful, magical world
bursting at the seams with variety beyond your wildest dreams
(Mc Cloud Falls)
Earth Walk
Take your shoes off and go outside
Standing on the Earth connects your body
to the harmonic frequency of your planetary home
This instantly brings you “home” in your body
and aligns your Spirit with your Earth Walk
(Lavender Labyrinth; Mount Shasta Lavender Farm)
Joy is your natural state
To find that vibration, go into Nature.
Go to a wild place that Humans can only reach
by walking on the Earth … one step at a time.
The exhilaration of discovering a breath-taking view
just around the bend
activates the joy of your Inner Being
(Breath-taking view from Highway 97; Northwest faces of Shasta and Shastina)
Finding Beauty in All Things
Open your heart and mind
to the gift of seeing beauty in all things
This gift takes you into 5th Dimensional awareness
and that is the key to freedom
(Beautiful wildflower growing amid the desert brush; Juniper Valley)
Letting Go
Turn to Nature for help with letting-go
As the seasons shift
you will see the rhythms of release
as Nature expresses her cycles
Mother Nature never hesitates to release her leaves
when they have completed their intention
because she knows they will reappear soon enough
in a more brilliant expression than before
(Madrone tree releasing its Fall leaves; Mount Shasta Peace Garden)
Spend time near some wild waters
to reconnect with the natural flow of Universal Energies
Ask your Inner Being to connect with the Being of the waters
(Summer waterfalls at Root Creek; Castle Crags Park)
Reaching for the Light
Focus your attention of that which fills you with light
Even if it is only a single shaft of light
in a dense forest of doubt
it will sustain you and help you grow
(Yerba Mansa plant reaching for the sun near Hummingbird Spring)
When you feel uncertain about the world and its people
go outside in Nature and sit in stillness
observing everything
Let the familiarity of Nature comfort you
and remind you that somethings you can count on;
the Sun rises and sets
the plants and trees, and insects and birds
go about their lives as if All is Well.
Take a lesson from them, and move into their vibrational field
In this field, you will feel a certainty that will support you in times of turmoil
(View of Mount Shasta from Castle Crags)
Time to connect with fire and light
Time to play and awaken the child within
Let yourself have a much needed vacation
from worry and responsibility
Be light-hearted
and dance barefoot in the grass
(July in Upper Panther Meadow)
Call upon Mountain energies to enter your body
bringing you a sense of strength, firm connection to Earth Mother
and the constancy of inner stillness.
(Summer storm moving into Shasta’s peak from upper Panther Meadow)
Notice where you are right now
Look around you and notice everything
Take a few breaths
Move your awareness to your body
Listen to your body talk
(International Peace Pole; Mount Shasta Peace Garden)
We Are One
Go into the forest and spend time with the trees
The trees are our “Standing Brothers and Sisters”
They represent transcending time
They were here long before you arrived
and they will accompany you on your Earth Walk
Seek them when you need perspective
(Ancient Oak in Castle Crags Park)
There is a beautiful harmony in variety
When you feel separation
in the contrast here on Earth
go outside into Nature
The Earth Mother shows us how things that are different
all have their place in her wonderful landscape
(Profusion of wildflowers at Mount Shasta City Park)
It is time to move from surviving to thriving
The world offers you an abundant supply of resources
to create your heart’s desires
It is only your old, limiting beliefs
that prevent you from receiving these gifts
(Pussy Paws plant thriving in the rocky wilderness South Gate Trail)
Go to a lake, or pond, or natural pool
Sit in stillness and observe
the way the waters reflect images of the world around them
See the reflection of your own essence
gazing back at you in loving appreciation
(Winter reflections on Castle Lake)
Indian Summer
Give thanks to the Sun for that extra time to go outside
and enjoy the last moments of Summer
Watch as Nature uses color to transition from Summer to Fall
Use color in your life
to help you ease from one cycle to another
(Indian Paintbrush in full bloom; JuniperValley)
Let the medicine of color into your life
Go outside into Nature
and seek the colors that Earth Mother offers you
Breathe the colors in as you gaze at them
and notice their effect on your mood
your sense of well-being
and your heart
(High Desert Spring flowers; North West side of Mount Shasta)
Earth Mother supports you
loves you
and is witness to your life
When you need to be reminded
that All is Well in the world
go outside
Observe that the Sun rises each morning
despite the drama that the Humans may create
See the way the birds and insects respond to dawn and dusk
in the same, consistent way each day
Notice that the flowers are still reaching for the light
Nature can teach you that there is constancy in many things
(Anemone Plant thriving in the rocky volcanic plain on the way to South Gate Meadow)
Spend time outside to renew your health and energy flow
Mother Nature’s medicine is elixir to the Heart
When you are in Nature, you are fed
by the Universal Forces of Light
(Early July in Upper Panther Meadow)
The Earth Mother offers the Crystal and Mineral Kingdoms
as allies in your life
They are willing and able to enhance your creations
your healing, your intentions, and your points of attraction
(Rose Quartz Crystal Skull resting in Medicine Lake)
Stand outside during sunrise and sunset
allowing the colors and the warmth of the Sun to move into your body
The colors of the sunrise open your heart
and the colors of the sunset ignite your passions and inspiration
(Just before sunset in Juniper Valley looking north toward Oregon)
The Bigger Picture
Climb to the top of a hill or mountain
Gaze out over the landscape
Be the Eagle whose vision takes in
what we cannot see from our perspective on the ground
Open your inner vision
(View of Castle Crags from Everett Memorial Highway)
Many Paths; One Mountain
There are many ways to seek one thing
Embrace the variety
and be in joy, knowing that each path
eventually leads to the same place:
(Medicine Wheel near Gray Butte Trail)
Awaken! Celebrate your new ideas and dreams
Take your cues from Mother Nature
as she paints the world
with her beautiful tapestry of life
(Shasta Lily in the forest near Red Fir Flat)
Star Home
What is your galactic alma mater?
Time to connect with expansive skies
and open to the information about your soul’s expression
that goes beyond this Earth
(Lenticular Cloud over Shasta and Shastina Peaks)
Look into Father Sky from your place on Mother Earth
Find a place where you can see the night sky
without city lights
When you look into the expanse of sky above you
it activates the vibration of expansiveness in your body
Breathe and consciously connect with that feeling
(View of Shasta from Gray Butte)
Learn from the flowers
as you observe them opening to welcome the warmth of Spring
Open your heart to the warmth of love and unity
( Arnica flowers opening to the morning sun at upper Panther Sacred Spring)
Mother Nature’s storms clear the old
and bring waters to the seeds of new life
Experience standing outside in a storm
Feel the strength and determination of the wind
the purifying waters of the rain
and the transformative fire of thunder and lightening
Follow Nature’s signs and bring the cleanse into your body
(Approaching storm at Q’ero gathering Nighthawk Ranch)
Diving deep into your hidden aspects
invites discovery of untapped talents
and beautiful places within that are waiting
to be shared with the world
This is the right time to take that inner journey
into the unknown
( Wildflowers growing at the edge of Upper Panther Source Spring)
The many shades of green in Nature
bring a symphony of healing energies into your body
Feast your eyes on the healing that the natural world offers you every day
(New Spring growth on the Root Creek trail; Castle Crags Park)
Unity and Individuation
We exist as individual expressions of Creator God
while at the same time, existing in unity with All That Is
It is merely our belief in separation that makes us think it impossible
to be simultaneously the “Human” being
and at home in Creator God Consciousness
Unity and Individuation as one experience is our true nature
(Summer Butterfly; Panther Spring)
We Are Not Alone
Creator God lives in all things
here and beyond where you are right now
Consider the possibility that you are surrounded
by “invisible friends”
(Lenticular Clouds over Shastina Peak)
Invoke the power of your natural curiosity
This life is an adventure of creation and expansion
Explore what draws your attention
and acknowledge what you feel as you investigate
Let your feelings guide you
to and from the variety here on Earth
(Chipmunk watching Humans on the Lower Panther Meadow Trail)
Go into nature and observe the animals, birds and insects
as they interact with each other
with the plants and trees,
and with the elements
Let them remind you how easy it can be
to co-exist with all that is
(Dragonfly on an ancient Juniper at Mount Shasta Lavender Farm)
Quiet Season is a time when we dream of new life and new direction
We feed those dreams with the appreciation
for what we harvested in the fall
Appreciate what you have created
and dream deeply of what is to come
(Lenticular clouds over Mount Shasta)
Nature embodies the majestic expression of Creator Consciousness
that you can find in your “ordinary world”
You only have to walk outside into Nature
to find the beauty that exists all around you
(Hydrangea in the Dunsmuir Botanical Gardens)
Go outside and observe the colors that Nature is inviting you to feel
The reds and oranges of passion and creativity
the yellows of inspiration and action
the browns and grays of what roots you to the planet
Harvest with joy, the fruits of your work in the world
(Centuries old Heather and Alpine Laurel in the Fall on the trail to Upper Panther Meadow)
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